Next Google Glass

Is The Next Google Glass Closer Than You Think ?

Software developer Brian Ho holds a Google Glass device at Vandrico, a Canadian company specializing in wearable computing, during a demonstration for the media in North Vancouver, B.C., on Tuesday July 30, 2013. The company is developing software for the device which is one of only a few in the country. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Darryl Dyck)

If you have a habit of sifting through the ‘Google Careers’ section of the behemoth’s website, you might be surprised to find a new section recently posted there. Business Insider did that for all of us. The section is named ‘Advanced Technology Manufacturing Engineer, FATP (Glass)‘ which quite directly tells us that the next iteration of Google Glass is on its way.
Google’s Glass project has been nothing short of an enigma. While the search giant announced the Glass project with an expectation that it will be in an instant hit, it failed to gained even a quarter of that expected traction. More so, there have been repeated talks of a complete shut down of the project. With this new job posting though, Google just erased off that alternative completely.
The meaning of the job’s title is that Google is searching for people who can help them assemble the final device and test it out for the masses. In other words, it means getting the kit out for us. That further means, Glass 2.0 might be very very close to us.
You want to be a Googler?
Well, this isn;t your normal googler job. You need to have experience in launching consumer products and a strong manufacturing background.  Testing of products should also be one of your key skills.
You need to be a Mechanical or Electrical Engineering graduate for this job and have a minimum of 5 years of experience in the manufacturing sector.
Google also notes that some of the “preferred qualifications” for the job are “Experience in multiple consumer product launches in a fast pace production ramping environment,” and “Strong manufacturing background in developing processes to scale new products, including mechanical fixture designs, with process controls in mind in a rapid schedule.”
Google is keeping its promise of resurrecting the wearable tech and the management of the project is under Nest boss, Tony Fadell, thus giving us fair bit of expectations that the final product that churns out will be top notch.
