Top - 5 Applications For Womens Safety Concern

We are all living a democracy where we forgot to protect  women needs and rights instead of protecting them for social evils, some of us are rudely and showing mischievous behaviour towards them ... 

so how ever i heartily hope for that moment there will  be a change in future.

but eventually Women must take some precautions before.

Cause we have been watching since four years, there are some bad persons in our society badly harassing the women's.

for that cause I came to write an article about this,

in this ariticle i will be discussing  some apps along with its description and links ...

Why this ariticle ?

In this days women are also having their own smartphones right ?

Whenever a friend or a near and dear one goes to some place alone at night, we keep worrying about her. If a friend or relative is staying away from home then the fear gets worse.
we been having this experience in our homes daily life right.

So, with partnering technology, women can now live a more safe and secure life. 

ok now let me mention that apps details ..

1. Women Safety Secured (FREE)

This is related to distress or Emergency situation specially for Women or Children. If this Apps will be in activated position & detect some load human voice(can be shouting/crying) it will immediately recognised it as distress signal & activates alarm.. Alarm shows that the situation is declared as distress situation & send sms to pre-configured numbers.

YES, this app not only work by manual operations but can be used as a Safety Weapon when a women is in trouble/distress situation and not even able to use her hands for calling or messaging. Just Shout.
Every Women has a right to LIFE, LIBERTY & SECURITY of herself.

2.SOS - Stay Safe!

SOS – Stay Safe! is a powerful personal safety application that empowers you against acts of violence, and helps summon aid in an emergency. It lets you send out SOS alerts to friends and family quickly, as soon as you sense danger. The alert is triggered by shaking the device using a customizable shake limit. SOS – Stay Safe! is useful in a wide range of dangerous scenarios ranging from sexual harassment to heart failure.

3.Scream Alarm!

This is a free safety alarm that screams imitating a woman’s voice. It can be downloaded on Android phones.
The above mentioned are the best must-have safety applications 2015  that can be downloaded on smart phones to provide safety to women. Rather than living life in uncertainty, it is better to ensure that either of these apps are present on your loved one’s device to protect her.

It can be used on Android devices. It can send a distress signal either through a single click or through shaking the device. It can track locations and update it after every 300 meters.

It is an iOS app which can be used to set customized alerts. First it sends alert to the user and on no response it will start sending messages to friends and family.
